
2月9日(日)、カリタス女子高等学校で行われた神奈川県高等学校英語ディベート推進委員会主催「第9回日本高校生パーラメンタリーディベート連盟(HPDU)杯 神奈川県大会(交流部門)に、高校生有志が参加しました。今回の大会には、浅野、カリタス女子、県立湘南、県立横浜翠嵐、逗子開成、聖光学院、洗足学園、桐光学園など、ディベート大会では常連の学校ばかりでした。
【Round 1】
THBT a school trip abroad is better than a school trip in their own country for high school students.
【Round 2】
THW tax the consumption of meat products.
【Round 3】
THW impose a quota for ethnic minorities in national sports team which combine in international sporting events.
Today, 9th of February, we, the voluntary debating club members, participated in a debate completion that took place at Caritas junior and senior high school. It was really rough, to be honest, since there were many schools that are academically very proficient, with extremely smart students. However, through this experience, we all learned a lot of things other than just English. Basically, debating requires us to possess not only English-language skill but also knowledge about a wide range of topics, such as politics, the environment and culture. In my case, even though I have fairly good English skill, I don’t really know much about the society. I experienced difficulties coming up with ideas. I’d like to strengthen these two essential factors before joining the competition again so I can do better. At last, I appreciate all the teachers having accompanied with us. Thank you so much.